EN/IEC 61326-1

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EN 61326 is the European Union’s EMC standard for certain electrical equipment that is involved in control, laboratory use, measurement and test. EN 61326 determines the requirements for emissions and immunity regarding electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) for electrical equipment that operates from a supply, battery or circuit being measured.

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See our products applicable to the EN 61326 standard:

  • ESD
    • 4 kV contact, 4 kV air to IEC/EN 61000-4-2
  • EFT-burst
    • 1 kV AC & DC power, 0.5 kV I/O signal/ control > 3 m to IEC/EN 61000-4-4
  • Surge
    • 0.5 kV power L-L, 1 kV power & long distance I/O signal/control L-E to IEC/EN 61000-4-5

EN/IEC 61326-1 Test Equipment, Systems & Solutions

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